
“Your small efforts for environmental balance and prevention of pollution will spread awareness for a change”.

Social awareness is also essential for effective prevention of environmental imbalance. Even if we limit the use of vehicles to some extent, it will be a huge contribution in itself. 


The main purpose of this event Cylulothon that took place on October 2 was also for the environment. Limiting the use of vehicle even one day in a month will reduce the emissions of carbon in the atmosphere. One day is not a huge thing to do but doing it for earth dedicatedly will convey and pass the message which will create a massive change.

Vehicle is what we use daily without giving heed to any thought of Pollution. Such vehicle causes the emission of unwanted particles of carbon and dust creating environmental issues and depleting ozone layer in the next stage. Prevention is better than cure, is the theory Sakaar tries to put forward. If you cannot control the use of vehicles to the best and in regular intervals, then Sakaar Sewa Samiti provides a better method. Prohibit the usage of vehicles for a single day in a month, this will itself give a significant amount of reduction in pollution when practised regularly.

This will also spread the message from person to person to engage massive audience.